Dermatology is a branch of medicine that studies the structure and functions of the skin, methods of treatment, diagnosis and prevention of skin diseases. Modern medicine knows about 20,000 types of skin diseases, differing from each other in complexity and character.
Every second person in the world has a skin disease at least once in his or her life. Fortunately, most skin diseases are not life-threatening, but are often accompanied by discomfort and worsening of appearance. For example, if a rash appears on the face or baldness is observed, it obviously leads to psychosocial disorder of a person discomfort and maladaptation.
Modern dermatology is progressively developing, so with the help of innovative methods of diagnosis and therapy, it has become possible to determine and treat the cause of diseases, possible complications and preventions with great accuracy. It should be noted that diagnosis is often the decisive factor in the treatment of skin diseases.
Skin diseases cannot be treated without consulting a doctor. Unfortunately, people sometimes ignore skin problems, although a rash can be a sign of a serious disease. Any rash on the skin, if it is new, requires attention, and timely diagnosis – which is a guarantee of cure. Delayed referral or self-treatment gives very bad results, the problem becomes more complicated, treatment becomes ineffective and prolonged. Try to avoid self-treatment and contact a professional dermatologist in time.
Skin diseases are divided into separate groups: congenital, infectious, which in turn can be divided into bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic diseases, tumours (malignant and benign), inflammatory skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema), keratinisation disorders and many others. A separate group are diseases that occur on the skin with pathologies of internal organs. It should be remembered that the skin is an indicator of the general state of our body.
If there are alarming symptoms such as rash, itching, flaking, hair loss, changes in the colour and shape of the nail plate, neoplasms, you should immediately consult a dermatologist.
When putting off a dermatologist consultation for the distant future, consider that your skin is the mirror of your body.
Many dermatological problems are external manifestations of diseases of internal organs, such as endocrine disorders, gynecological problems, immune system pathology or gastrointestinal changes. The skin is also part of the nervous system in the periphery and is closely related to the nervous system. One important cause of development is a psychogenic factor, due to which skin diseases are complicated by stress or stress itself.
In “Marjani” clinic treatment of skin diseases is carried out on the basis of patient’s anamnesis, thorough examination and diagnostics.
Professional doctors of the Marjani Clinic offer a wide range of services in the field of dermatology. As a result of thorough examination, consultation, research and diagnostics of the patient, the nature, cause and stage of the disease will be determined and the most effective treatment recommendations – medical and/or aesthetic procedures – will be offered.