Optical, Digital Dermatoscopic Examination

If you notice an unusual new skin growth that:

  • Grows unevenly and has an irregular contour
  • Changes color – loses or significantly increases pigmentation
  • Has uneven coloration – more than one color appears, such as brown, black, red, pink, white, or bluish, and crusts appear on the periphery
  • Begins to peel, or a pigmented spot forms in its place
  • Develops inflammatory redness around it
  • Gets covered with uneven nodules on the surface
  • Causes itching, burning, tingling, or tightness
  • Develops cracks, fissures, and bleeds

Then it’s time to raise the alarm, as the new growth is undergoing changes.

The main weapon against such problems is regular skin examination and diagnostics, especially after the age of 40. Timely examination and screening are key to the early diagnosis and prevention of skin cancer. Optical dermatoscopic examination can be conducted on the entire body, allowing for the assessment of new skin growths on any part of the body – the scalp, nail plate, genital area.

Through dermatoscopy, the degree of dysplasia (degeneration) of new skin growths can be determined, and patients can be advised on removal methods or offered a monitoring regime. This type of examination is very important as the number of skin cancer formations increases year by year.


from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except weekends
