There are numerous theories on the aging of the organism, and each one likely has its own validity. Additionally, the skin and its appendages are unique organs that add a personal theory – photoaging. When we talk about hair aging, we primarily refer to the hair follicle and then the hair shaft. Follicle aging is associated with impaired blood circulation, decreased melanocyte function, and reduced hair production (alopecia), while the aging of the hair shaft is influenced by environmental conditions and photoaging.
Hair aging is a natural process. As age increases, quantitative and qualitative changes in hair become evident – hair becomes thinner, weaker, gray, and loses its shine. This is caused by multiple factors: nutrient deficiencies, endocrine and psychological disorders, side effects from medications, environmental conditions, lifestyle, genetics, stress, and more.
There are five main signs of hair aging:
Anti-Aging Hair Therapy
Skin and hair aging are irreversible processes that require a comprehensive approach. Anti-aging therapy involves a thorough examination of the patient, and treatment should be individual and complex, using innovative methods, the latest technologies, and medications.
One of the most effective, logical, and simple methods for treating hair loss and improving hair quality is mesotherapy. When therapeutic mesopreparations are injected into the scalp, each injection irritates nerve endings in the skin, stimulating microcirculation and activating regenerative processes, enhancing the nourishment of the hair bulb, which stimulates hair growth. As a result of the mesotherapy procedure, substances introduced into the skin affect blood circulation, metabolic processes, and cell regeneration of the skin.
The outcome of the procedure depends on the quality and composition of mesococktails, as well as the frequency and duration of the treatment course. The number of mesotherapy procedures and the frequency of the course are individual – depending on the composition and quality of the preparation and determined according to the patient’s problems.
Anti-aging hair therapy also includes physiotherapy procedures, scalp massage, the use of properly selected hair care products, proper and healthy nutrition, and, if necessary, the involvement of psychotherapy.
At “Marjani,” doctors use both custom-made cocktails prepared by the physician with components necessary for specific conditions or problems, as well as mesopreparations and ready-made cocktails produced by leading mesotherapy firms worldwide.
The mesotherapy procedure should only be performed by a highly qualified doctor who holds a mesotherapist certificate!